
Posts Tagged "gay bar"

Diana Dors

Diana Dors

Ex-Landlady Breda McCannon donated these wonderful photos to the project. They show Diana Dors at the RVT, who was invited down to present an award for a charity event, one of the many the RVT organised over the years. Diana Dors was one of the regular celebrities to do this, but others include Barbara Woodhouse and Beryl Reid.

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Quick Change Artist (1967)

Quick Change Artist (1967)

L/S of a Rolls Royce arriving at Ricky Renee’s cabaret club (it passes the Fortune Theatre) in daylight. A glamorous blonde in a fur stole gets out of the car; this turns out to really be cabaret star Ricky Renee in drag. We see him in various other disguises as the doorman, the receptionist, a diner and a waiter in…

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